How to Use 85% Off Hose Nozzle Coupon Code

hose_nozzle_lead_freeThis Coupon Code is good for one purchase of one nozzle per customer. This premium, high-quality, solid brass hose nozzle is normally $19.95. With this coupon code you will receive $16.95 OFF the purchase price.

That means you’ll get these nozzles for only $3! And if you are an Amazon Prime member, you’ll also get them with free shipping.

If you want this deal, use this method to purchase:

1. First, go to

2. In the search box, type in (search for):   hose nozzle
(make sure you type in that exact phrase!:   hose nozzle )

3. Partway down the search results list you should see a brass hose nozzle matching the image above.

If you don’t see the nozzle on the first page, click on the link “next page” to go to page 2 of the search results. If you still don’t see them, click on “next page” to go to page 3. Once you spot the nozzle that matches the one shown on this page…

Click to open up that listing.

Note: currently they are showing up in Amazon search results… on the 1st page. But the results do vary. If you can’t find them, it may be caused by a change that Amazon is making in the rankings, or we may be out of inventory. Wait a few hours and try again!

4. Press the add to cart or buy now button.

5. Proceed with the normal checkout process. When you see the spot to put in/apply the promotional code, enter WND7ZB9U

This coupon is going to be monitored and will be cancelled if it is abused. It is only good for one use per Amazon account holder. It is NOT to be shared on any coupon sites, and will be cancelled if too many people begin to use it all at once. If you try, and it doesn’t work, then that’s probably why.

If you appreciate this discount, you can always show us your appreciation by leaving  a review of your unbiased opinion of the product in the review section on Amazon’s website after you get the product in the mail (and while your review is very much appreciated… this is totally optional and not a condition to getting the discount).

And remember… this is a limited offer to only a few purchasers. We reserve the right to discontinue it at any time!

Thanks for your purchase!